Home Instruction Starter Kit - Teens and adults
Home Instruction Starter Kit - Teens and adults
A full home toolkit for retraining teens/adults* to read the right way, starting with the foolproof Reading Reflex book, or for home practice to support clinical or classroom Phono-Graphix instruction.
This engaging set will have you learning and practicing together like pros in no time!
Save 10% when you buy this bundle!
Kit includes:
Reading Reflex - for the simple diagnostic tests, detailed instructions, and all the logical and easy-to-follow materials and games you need to start a fundamental shift in your teen/adult's approach to reading and writing. (Bundle can be ordered without this book, if you have one already)
Reading Reflex Manipulatives Pages Downloadable PDF - so you don’t have to cut up your book
Custom white board - for Word Building and for making any writing activity more enjoyable, customized for older students working with longer words
Phono-Graphix Sound Charts - 8 1/2" x 11" chart of all the ways to show our sounds, on durable paper with rounded corners
Famous Faces, Times and Places Coded Reader - a beautifully illustrated, professionally published book, phono-graphically coded to practice reading our sound-picture code and displace mis-strategies
Choice of either:
- Silver Lining Support Workbook - for additional, directed practice paralleling your Reading Reflex or Phono-Graphix lessons. Choose this option for home support of clinical or classroom instruction, or for home instruction with students whose reading is many years behind.
- Silver Lining Teen Literacy Kit (for an additional $105) - for additional materials and lessons designed for mature students who have had lots of exposure to print. Choose this option for home instruction with students who are only a few years behind their expected performance level. We recommend that you work quickly through the Reading Reflex lessons, then move directly into the more challenging material found in this kit. (Kit includes a copy of the Silver Lining Support Workbook.)
* (Also recommended for late primary students who are performing close to grade level.)