Self-paced Online Phono-Graphix Certification Course
Self-paced Online Phono-Graphix Certification Course
Convenient, affordable, and effective! The self-paced Phono-Graphix online certification course is based on findings on how to engage and inform in an online format. Virtual students Annibel and Donny will give you a run for your money as you gain knowledge and proficiency in how to teach the most challenging students to read with accuracy and fluency. The program developers, in virtual form, will demonstrate and explain lessons.
Now built in a learning management system, the original course content and animation segments have been integrated with the most up-to-date program information and resources using modern learning management technology.
The course is designed to show you how to replicate the results achieved at the Read America Clinic in Orlando, Florida, reported in the Orton Annals of Dyslexia and other clinical studies. It will prepare you to teach new and emerging readers and to remediate reading problems at any age or ability, clinically one-on-one, in small groups and in classroom settings.
This is a self-paced course, so completion times vary, but it typically takes 35 hours. The course is comprised of short lecture segments, readings and quizzes. Plus, we mentor you as you use the program with your first students: along the way, you will work with your own students and complete written reports (each just a couple of paragraphs) about your sessions. Regular 'office hours' via Zoom offer you the opportunity to drop in and ask questions and get feedback on your lesson presentations. Upon completion, you are given an untimed final examination, successful completion of which will earn certification.
Thousands of teachers have trained online since the course launched in 2004.
Price includes:
- Certification Kit materials
- a free trial membership in the Phono-Graphix Association for the remainder of the current calendar year, with access to our exclusive MEMBER RESOURCES
our certification fee (for administration of the certification exam)
- access to the course for a full 3 years, even after completion, for continued study and review
For school districts and groups: sign up for 5 or more and save 20% - for 10 or more save 30%!