Phono-Graphix Certification Fee
Phono-Graphix Certification Fee
This fee covers the administrative and recordation costs of the Phono-Graphix Certification Exam.
NOTE: This fee is included in the purchase of a Phono-Graphix Certification Kit.
After completing one of our certification courses, or after studying the method working under the mentorship of a certified practitioner, you will have access to the certification exam. The exam is conducted online. It is untimed, open-book, and you have as long as you need to complete it and earn your certification in Phono-Graphix.
As a certified Phono-Graphix practitioner, you will be eligible to join the professional Phono-Graphix Association of Reading Therapists, allowing you to get exclusive offers, network, interact, and reach out to thousands of potential clients through our website. After gaining sufficient experience, certification also makes you eligible to apply for licensure as an independent Phono-Graphix trainer, to conduct certification courses for your colleagues.