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Pocket Folder Sets - downloadable PDF

Pocket Folder Sets - downloadable PDF

Regular price $24.95 USD
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Great for age 4-8 and special needs.

The kids love these--and parents and teachers love the neural networking involved! Fun stories have accompanying pictures to move around and assemble, which requires both hands. This keeps both sides of the brain engaged while reading. The right-visual hemisphere and the left-auditory hemisphere work together, laying down rich memory traces of the sound-to-symbol correspondence for the twenty-nine ways to spell the seven sounds targeted in this set.


Everything you need to make sets of pocket folders, each containing:

-a story targeting a sound or an overlapping sound picture
-a control picture
-picture parts for building the picture
-a control sheet containing answers to the mapping and/or overlap pages that go with the story
-a master copy of the worksheets

-a 'Big Words' card set, with all the words with the targeted sound or sound picture from the story in large format for one-on-one or group presentation.

Directions for constructing the pocket folders are included. 

Pocket Folder Set 1 covers the sounds 'oe' and 'ow' and their overlapping sound picture <ow>. Story titles: "Joe's Toad", "Wow, It's a Cow" and "Is it a Toad or a Cow?" 'Big Words' card set: all 29 'oe' and 'ow' words from the stories. Three folders and 24 PAGES in all! 

Pocket Folder Set 2 covers the sound 'er' in the story "His Turtle, Her Turtle" and includes a 'Big Words' card set with all 15 'er' words from the story. One folder and 9 pages in all. 

Pocket Folder Set 3 covers the sounds 'ee' and 'ae' and their overlapping sound pictures <ea> and <ai>. Story titles: "Tweet Gets Lost", "Jay's Big Pain" and "Finding Tweet and Jay". 'Big Words' card set: all 33 'ee' and 'ae' words in the stories. Three folders and 24 pages.

Pocket Folder Set 4 covers the sounds 'oo' and 'oul' and their overlapping sound picture <oo>. And it gives students the chance to write their own zany story! Story titles: "Newton, the Hoot Owl", "Vern, the Earthworm" and "Newt and Vern Go to School". 'Big Words' card set: all 36 'oo' and 'oul' words from the stories. Three folders and 29 pages in all.



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